Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fleas And Knees: Giving God Thanks In All Things

                The last few days have been days and nights filled with physical pain for me. The pain in my right knee, which hurts when I am standing or walking is easing off somewhat. I had even thought that it might be broken at first. It has been holding me prisoner for days. I have missed two days of work and yesterday, I slept most of the day after sleeping most of the night before. Last night, I could hardly sleep at all. Today, I tried to nap but to no avail.
                I think what life would be like if we were always pain free. The times when I feel no pain, I hardly ever stop to thank Jesus, but when I am hurting, I call His name in prayer. When I am uncomfortable, I pray. When I can’t do something for myself, I ask for His help. When my heart is broken, I cry out to Him.
                I need to remember to give God praise when things are going right, and even when they are going wrong. I remember reading a story told by Corrie Ten Boom, a Dutch watchmaker’s daughter who was a prisoner of war in a German concentration camp during World War II. She read in the Bible where it said to give God thanks in all things (I Thessalonians 5:18). There were fleas in the place she was staying. She did not why, but she had to give God thanks. Later, she learned that the German soldiers who would take the prisoners to be executed stayed away from the area she was in because it was infested with fleas.
                Corrie Ten Boom thanked God for the fleas and, though it is hard for me to do, I thank God for a hurting knee and other problems I may face because I know that He is working things for my good, in Jesus’ name.