Saturday, March 1, 2008

Have I Done Something Wrong?

I'm hurting.
I am in pain, both physically and emotionally.
The emotional pain is worse than the sharp pain in the lower right quadrant of my abdomen that I fear is caused by a hernia or by appendicitis.
The emotional pain is caused by news I received about an hour ago. My nephew, Ryan, was in a car wreck last week that I only found out about today. My brother-in-law told me about it and told me that my sister had left him for an older man.
My youngest niece expressed her fears of having to choose between her father and her mother.
I know that any emotional pain that I am facing is not as rough as it is in that family, but that family is part of my family and I hurt for them.
I was thinking yesterday that I put so much time and energy into working on things at work, at church, for my family, for different people. I don't spend enough time doing things for God. I don't pay my tithes as often as I should. I don't pray as often as I should. When I do pray, it's a cry of help. It's not cries of praise and worship. I don't read the Bible as often as I should. I don't read Christian books as often as I should. The assistant pastor at my church gave me two books that she had written and had published. One of them is about dealing with pain. I need to read it and, more importantly, I need to read the Bible and pray.
So many times, I have asked myself lately, do things like this happen because I have not been honoring God the way I should.
I ask you to pray for me and to pray for my sister and her family!

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