Friday, July 31, 2009

A Stone's Throw

Have you ever stood on the banks of a river with a smooth polished pebble in your hand and toss it to the other side?
Have you ever stood on a road with nothing but blacktop or dirt in front of you for miles with a rock in your hand and tossed it as far as you could?
No matter how far you can throw it – whether it plunks in the water, only travels two feet or if it travels far -- the distance is the same. It’s just a stone’s throw.
How far is it from Heaven to Hell?
The answer could be, “It’s just a stone’s throw.”
For some, they might answer that it’s far.
“And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.” (Luke 16:23)
Although Hell is described as being far from Heaven in this Bible verse, it was still close enough for the rich man to see Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom.
Some people may feel that they are all right with God. They treat people right and do good deeds. Still, they do not know Christ as their personal savior.
They’re a stone’s throw from Heaven.
Others may realize that they are lost and feel that there is no hope for them. They lose themselves in booze, drugs and sex with whoever or whatever comes along.
They’re a stone throw from Heaven.
Are you lost today? Do you need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
Ask Him into your heart and live for Him.
He’s only a stone’s throw away.

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