Friday, July 24, 2009

The Stone Of Mercy

“I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.” - Revelation 2:17
The person being tried stood shuddering as he awaited the verdict. Was there nothing he could do to be set free?
Gloom and doom shrouded his very being, making the courtroom feel like a cold, ice-covered grace. He knew that the grave would not be cold for long. It would turn from a frozen tundra into a fiery furnace and the fire would burn forever.
As he waited for the judge to make his decision, he knew that he would be given the black stone, which was an indication of his guilt. There would be no vindication for what he had done.
The criminal stood, knowing there would be no exoneration and that his execution was imminent.
“What if I threw myself on the mercy of the court?” he thought. “What if I told the judge how sorry I am for all the crimes I have committed. I have sinned, o Lord, be merciful to me!”
With his head bowed and tears in his eyes, he suddenly felt someone standing in front of him. Afraid to look up, he waited for the judge to drop the black stone of guilt in the cup.
He heard stone hit the inside of the urn. Looking in to his shock and disbelief, he saw a white stone; a stone that indicated that he was not guilty.
The criminal who had been freed looked up and saw the face of Jesus Christ. He reached and grabbed Jesus’ nail-scarred hands.
Jesus had paid the price so he could go free.

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